The 7th Klaytn Improvement Reserve Result

The Number of Proposals




  • Accepted Budget : Amount of KLAY $163,100 worth
  • Proposal : MDAG Website
  • Participation rate : 50%
  • Results : Accepted - 57%, Rejected - 43%

Comments - Accept

  • I hope that this project will contribute to enriching the Klaytn ecosystem.
  • It’s good opportunity to make a strong community for Klaytn. I’m not sure they have skills and experiences enough to complete the website in good quality. Also, I’m not sure the proposed cost is not too much. Nonetheless, I agree to pass their proposal since we need more trials. (p.s. SKKRYPTO Team has to make the operation and maintenance plan after website development.)
  • MZ generations are the very important target customer for digital assets business. This website has clear goals to provide various information related to blockchain technologies of Klaytn. But it would need to deep-dive in business, marketing strategies further. still, we would like to be supportive of college students who make the community portal website for MZ generations.
  • we are not sure if people need this community website or not. worth trying in the light budget.
  • As a member of Klaytn ecosystem, I truly hope the substantial amount of fund will make valuable means to expand and consolidate the foundations of the ecosystem and communities of Klaytn.
  • Strong community is beneficial for Klaytn.

Comments - Reject

  • It needs a more specific plan to achieve the goal

    • The goal which SKKRYTO team suggested is that change the public’s existing negative perceptions and provoding more contents.
    • But I don’t know how the website can get people who has negative perceptions or lack of knowledge.
    • I think only tech savvy people will access that website.
  • There is no specific operation plan after development period.

    • The team suggested their plan to earn operation cost on KIR forum.
    • But HR plan is also needed. It needs more specfic plan to maintain operation person, successing plan for time when operation member decides to quit his or her job.
  • A Community Website is needed. Nobody denies it. However, the price is too expensive. GC has to re-consider this project at the economic perspective.

  • There are may crypto media in Korea. I can not find differentiation factor for this project.

  • Unclear objectives and execution plan

  • Not convinced how this project & community will grow and be activated enough to help Klaytn ecosystem than merely launching a simple website.

  • I believe that this project, if successful, would be a good addition to promotion of Klaytn ecosystem. However, in order to make it successful, detailed planning will be needed in terms of UI/UX design, promotion of the website, acquisition and engagement of users, and revenue creation. It is also unclear how users on the website will be interacting with one another. As important as community building is, I would like to see a more detailed picture of the steps this project will take to become an influential community.