The 3rd Klaytn Improvement Reserve Result

The Number of Proposals

  • Accepted : 1
  • Rejected : 0


[ Ellipti ]


  • Accepted KLAY : 59,000 KLAY
  • Proposal : Report Publication & PR
  • Participation rate : 83%
  • Results : Accepted - 60%, Rejected - 40%

Comments - Accept

  • This kind of publication could help non-crypto users as well as crypto users understand digital assets and what benefits Klaytn and Klip can bring to the world with respect to digital assets.

Comments - Reject

  • Lack of plan for the project
  • The cost of ~$10,000 for 8 articles is very high. Especially when Ellipti is not a top-tier pr agency
  • We have reviewed Ellipti reports on Coinone but this was a good organized memo. (not much of a insightful analysis/opinions) → also the founder of Ellipti works at Coinone so this is their usual work not particularly agency focused.
  • Need better visibility on Ellipti’s global and Korean PR influence. (Readership metrics, downloads, traffic, reader demographic)
  • Need to check confirmed list of publishers and media that will GUARANTEE distribution of articles from Ellipti.
  • Need reference check from Ellipti past clients
  • Based on the Outbound PR Sheet provided, the goal of Ellipti appears to be raising positive sentiment of Klaytn to crypto focused groups (telegrams/kakaotalks) over the mainstream consumers (media/news). Additionally, the focus appears to be limited to Korea.
  • No information on Ellipti members has been provided for this proposal. This is critical for building long-term positive loop of KIR program

