The Number of Proposals
- Accepted : 1
- Rejected : 0
[ Public EN Operation for Testnet and Archive Node Operation_Fandom Foundation ]
Result: Accepted
- Accepted Budget: USD 167,648
- Proposal: Public EN Operation for Testnet and Archive Node Operation_Fandom Foundation
- GC Participation Rate: 44%
**GC Participation: AhnLab, Celltrion, HanwhaSystems, Kracker Labs, LX International, Maekyung Media Group, NEOPLY, cocone, SKnetworks, The Korea Economic Daily, VNG, Wemade, EVERRICH, gumi - Results: Accepted - 71%, Rejected - 21%, Abstention - 8%
Comments - Accept
- HanwhaSystems: It seems like a good idea to expand the ecosystem. No comments on the cost. I agree.
- Celltrion: As Fantire service grew with more than 240,000 subscribers, the need for an improved test environment is acknowledged. Since Fandom Foundation has already been contributing to the Klaytn Ecosystem by operating 5 ENs successfully, we support funding this project for the Fandom Foundation to operate additional nodes.
- The Korea Economic Daily: It seems necessary for the Klaytn blockchain ecosystem. There is no reason to reject this offer. Additional Endpoint Node operation will further improve the performance and efficiency of the Klaytn node.
- LX International: Although LX International is agreeing to fund the 15th KIR project as we find the Klaytn’s initial review to be convincing, we kindly request Fandom Foundation to answer following questions to strength our conviction about funding the project.
Q1. Has the minting delay issue mentioned in the 13th KIR proposal been solved or improved?
→ In the 13th KIR, Fandom Foundation(FF) claimed to have 10 seconds of delay during the NFT purchasing-minting-owning process and received funding to improve the NFT service. However, in the 15th KIR proposed document, FF did not explain what kind of improvement(e.g. average delay has been shortened to x seconds) had been made through funding from the 13th KIR.
Q2. What kind of benefits would additional funding bring to the FF’s NFT service and to Klaytn’s ecosystem?
→ In the 15th proposal, FF just stated the motivation of requesting additional funding is to “improve the test environment of projects” and to “contribute to mainnet and testnet” without specifying the details. - NEOPLY: It is considered necessary to increase public nodes according to the development of the Klaytn ecosystem. It would be better if Public Nodes support WSS.
- EVERRICH: Klaytn have provide more End Point nodes for developers and managing Archive Node by 3rd party would be good for decentralization.
- AhnLab: It seems like Support from the development community is urgently needed and this project looks proper and suitable. It’s meaningful.
- SKnetworks: 기존에 없었던 테스트넷 환경에 EN 노드를 추가하여 cypress 및 baobab 네트워크 모두의 운영에 도움이 될 것이라고 생각합니다. 다만, 현재 기준 얼마나 부하가 걸리고 어떻게 개선되는지 등의 결과를 Progress report에서 보여주시면 좋겠습니다.
- Wemade: We believe that the more EN we have, the better it is for the entire Klaytn Ecosystem. Block Generation Time of Klaytn is faster than that of other blockchain, and thus numerous traffics occur when users generate transactions or check contracts through EN.
- Kracker Labs: This would improve the stability of Cypress/Baobab Network. The foundation already have experience in operating the nodes. This would be helpful for both the mainnet and the testnet
Comments - Reject
- gumi: ・According to the documentation, anyone can start up an EN Node. If so, the lack of ENs is an incentive design problem / Is there an intent to continue individually budget for the expansion of ENs done by every application? / If this proposal is “special treatment” only this time, we’d like to know why this case is so special. / In addition, simply sharing the results of this survey, we would appreciate it if you could provide a clear response to each of the questions.
- Maekyung Media Group: KIR 프로그램을 통해 클레이튼 생태계에 기여하고 확장하는 취지의 사업 내용이 담겼으면 좋겠다. 팬덤재단이 제시한 내용은 다른 프로그램과 비교했을 때 생태계 기여 부분에서의 내용이 미흡하다.
- COCONE: We have come to the decision that we will reject this proposal of the 15th KIR review regarding adding the public EN nodes. Despite the 13th KIR proposal being passed, within the last two months there was no documentation regarding updates or proof of progress about these 5 already existing EN nodes. In order to pass future proposals, we think necessary for Fandom to add a clause on the key deliverance stating the updates that will be sent to the GC community to keep track of the progress of their projects. Furthermore, there was no evidence provided in the proposal about why 4 additional nodes need to be added. Due to the aforementioned reasons, overall the proposal was not detailed enough which is why cocone will be rejecting the 15th KIR proposal by Fandom.
Comments - Abstention
- VNG: Adding new nodes to Klaytn is generally good for the network performance/service quality. However, we vote Neutral as we do not have enough of information about the current workload of overall Klaytn network to judge if Klaytn really need to have additional EN/Archive nodes at this time.