The proposal on the suspension of KIR disbursement for the remainder of 4Q 2022 was approved by the Klaytn Governance Council (For more information, please refer to the following link
[KGP-5] Suspension of KIR Disbursement for the remainder of 4Q 2022 - Klaytn Governance Proposal (KGP) - Klaytn Governance Forum).
The approval of the proposal would have the following effects on the operation of the KIR program:
Klaytn team will not receive proposals for the time being. If the Klaytn Governance Council decides to resume the disbursement next year, proposals submitted before the decision will be reviewed first. Application channel for the grant will be opened after the review.
If you are the grantees of the KIR program, you can submit your progress report as planned. If the disbursement is resumed, Klaytn team will communicate with you to fix the disbursement schedule.