Ozys_Klaytn Scope/IDE_Progress Report(2)_Final

Klaytn Improvement Reserve: Progress Report


Describe overall project review.

Ozys started a dedication to strengthening the essential part of the Klaytn ecosystem in April, 2020. Ozys set out the framework and developmental objectives for the ‘Scope.Klaytn’ which is the block explorer of Klaytn, and ‘Klaytn IDE’ which is the web-based compiler.

This document is the final report for the work carried out by Ozys with the following items listed. It has been categorized on the basis of the contributions, and also reflects what Ozys has contributed to and completed during the period.

Project Milestones and Schedule

If there are any changes on project milestones / schedule, please elaborate on why those changes occur / how did you deal with them.

The following tables represent the main tasks and final results for each function with the timeline submitted at the initial KIR application. It contains a summary of the activities covered by Ozys.

There are two main areas carried out by Ozys.

  1. Developing and adding more functions to Scope.Klaytn, the block explorer.
  2. Adding essential features to Klaytn IDE. the web-based compiler.

Project Start Date: April 20, 2020

Project End Date: Sep 30, 2020

Key Deliverables

List the deliverables that 1) you successfully launched / achieved in time, (Please fill in the image, URL, etc. about the project.) 2) failed to deliver. Regarding 2), please describe why you failed to deliver it and provide an alternative to solve those issues.

Please, find the below deliverables and notes. The notes include the details describing whether it is successfully launched / achieved or failed.

Klaytn Scope

1. The load test - Completed

  • Ozys conducted a load test of up to 3,000 KCT transfer per second on the network. So far, it is confirmed that all transactions in Klaytn are performed without any difficulties.

2. Token Whitelist / Smart Contract Code Verification - Completed

  • Development of Token Whitelisting and Smart Contract Code Verification has been completed, but is not served as a form of public page. Users who want to add tokens or verify the smart contract code should fill a google sheet for whitelisting and email at klaytn.support@ozys.com for verification.

3. Integrating the transaction links of other institutions to the Scope link - Completed

More services will be integrated with Scope.Klaytn in the near future.

4. Utilizing the current Klaytnscope infrastructure - Completed

  • Ozys has optimized the Scope.Klaytn infrastructure for the stable product launch, and plans to continue the optimization work.

5. Handling the access traffic as a same way of the current Klaytnscope - Completed

  • The past internal transactions on the Klaytn network have been backed into Scope.Klaytn. Now, all the data / transactions of the blocks are normally reflected.

6. Scope.Klaytn Server Transfer

  • The server Klaytn is currently operating will be transferred to Ozys in September 2020. The schedule is subject to change due to the availability of resources but Ozys is aiming for it no later than October, 2020.


1. Producing a manual or documentation for developers - Completed

  • The POC of the plugin type of Remix extension program connected to the Klaytn Network has been developed by porting the quorum network plugin and the run-deploy plugin used in the Ethereum-based remix. Ozys gave a briefing GroundX on this.

The works carried out by Ozys has been documented and can be found in the following Github address. The later process will be taken by GroundX, communicating with the remix side.

2. Continuously developing and adding new features - Completed

  • Ozys made the IDE project open so that it could be used in the Remix site as a form of plugin.

  • Overview of the developed features by Ozys

    • Plugin available on the official Remix website
      • Standard plug-in implementation
      • Product that can be added and used in the form of plugin on the official Remix site

  • Integrating Remix Editor with Compiler
    • Accurate integration with official Solidity editor, Compiler function, and File Explorer
      • Latest options and convenience
      • Use of the latest feature enhancements
    • Remixd and other local development environment plugin can be used as an original form
  • Support for the Klaytn Network Environment
    • Providing Network Preset Provider using the basic Public EN Node (e.g. cypress, baobab)
    • Providing Injected Caver Provider option in Kaikas
      • Network follows Kaikas’ connection status
    • Providing Other Caver Provider options
      • In a case of operating the Klaytn EN node
      • In a case of operating a side network
  • Account Management
    • Providing account management function for each network environment selected in the same way as Remix
    • Injected Caver environment (Kaikas)
      • Account integration in order to use the corresponding Kaikas account
    • Protest Network, and independent Provider Network
      • A function of adding and integrating account using PrivateKay and Keystore
  • FeePayer setting
    • Klaytn Network-specific FeePayer setting function that was not exist in the IDE
    • Providing convenient usability by utilizing FeePayer for Contract Interaction
  • ABI Contract interaction
    • Interaction with Klaytn Network through registered Contract Instance
      • Providing a fuction of search such as Public Method call and Variable value search
      • Using connected Network environment
    • A function of transaction incurring
      • Providing a transaction generation function by executing Method
      • Providing a sign function without PK exposure
  • Contract Deploy
  • Belows are IDE related URLs to check the details


List all activities where operating expenses incurred

Construction Cost of Development Environment

  1. 2 Baobab Ken nodes
  2. 1 Batcher Machine
  3. 1 API Machine
  4. 1 DB Machine

All machines are built on premise, the actual cost is the purchase cost of VM Host (6Core 64G 2TB). If each VM is considered as a level of AWS class, it might be equal of similar to m5.large class (about KRW 100,000/month per unit).

Construction of live service environment

(the following is currently under the burden of GX, but OZYS will be fully charged after aws account is transferred)

  1. en spec (Before internal tx was completed)
  • baobab : m5.2xlarge x2 (base + internal)

  • cypress : c5.4xlarge x3 (base + internal + past internal)

  • base + internal have a provisioning io1 Storage

  1. en spec (After internal tx was completed)
  • baobab : m5.2xlarge x2 (base + internal)
  • cypress : c5.4xlarge x2 (base + internal) + m5.2xlarge ( base for failover )
    • main base node have a provisioning io1 Storage
  1. service
  • fronted: cloudflare +s3
  • backend: cloudflare + els + t3.small x 12 (baobab 4 + cypress 7 + contract_admin)
  • cypress batcher: m5.xlarge
  • baobab batcher: c5.xlarge
  • cache: cache.t3.micro
  1. rds
  • cypress: db.r5.large
  • baobab: db.r5.large

Total: Above operating infrastructure AWS cost is about $6,500 per month

  1. Machine: about $4,300
  2. Storage: about $2,200
  3. Other miscellaneous expenses could be incurred

Resources for the development of Klaytnscope

Development Period: April, May, June, July, August, and September total 6 months

Development Manpower

Choi*Sic CTO Advanced Professional
Choi*Han CPO Professional
Jin*Ki PM Advanced Professional
Lee*Jae Server Intermediate
Vin*T Server Professional
Lee*Hyun Server Intermediate
Hong*Sun Web Intermediate
Ryu*Chan Web Intermediate
Lee*Hee Designer Intermediate

Details of the Development Cost (USD)

Advanced Professional Professional Intermediate Total
Service Planning/PM 3 3 93,270
Data Processing 2 4 77,386
Back-end Development 2 26,682
Front-end Development 3 31,416
Total 5 5 7 228,757

Labor Cost (Unit Price / USD)

Classification Advanced Professiona Professional Intermediate Notes
Average Wage 7,043 5,294 4,155 Average Wage for SW engineer (2018)
Overhead Expenses 7,747 5,823 4,571 Direct Labor Cost * 110%
Engineering Fee 2,958 2,223 1,745 (Direct Labor Cost + Overhead Expenses) * 20%
Unit Price per month 17,749 13,341 10,472

Resources for the development of IDE

Development Manpower

Choi*Sic CTO Advanced Professional
Choi*Han CPO Professional
Jin*Ki PM Advanced Professional
Lee*Hyun Plugin-Front Intermediate

Details of the Development Cost (USD)

Advanced Professional Professional Intermediate Total
Service Planning/PM 2 2 USD 62,180
Plugin Development 1 2 USD 38,693
Total 3 2 2 USD 100,874

@prop_kewwon Thank you for the report! You guys have been doing great.

One question regarding IDE: have you submitted the remix plugin implementation for Klaytn to the remix project as Pull Requests (PRs)? I can see the repository https://github.com/klaytn-ozys/plug-and-klay but couldn’t find any PR information from the remix side.

Sorry for the late reply. Ozys has not submitted the remix plugin implementation to the remix project yet.