Klaytn Ecosystem Audit Fund_Quantstamp_ Progress Report_Q3 2022

Klaytn Ecosystem Audit Fund_Quantstamp_ Progress Report_Q3 2022

Date: 21 October 2022


Quantstamp has become a regularly available audit firm for Klaytn ecosystem partners and projects when its proposal to set up an audit fund for the Klaytn ecosystem was approved on 31 March 2022.

The purpose of the fund is to help the Klaytn ecosystem projects audited by Quantstamp in a timely manner so that the projects could be launched as planned.

This progress report summarizes the usage of the fund up to the end of Q3 2022.

Audit Fund Usage Tracker

The table below shows the usage of the fund from 31/3/2022 to 30/09/2022.

Q3 2022 Audit fund usage tracker

Retrospect and Future Plan

  • The usage of the fund in this reporting period has been very low as the fund was set up for the first time and it was not known to the ecosystem yet.

  • In this period, there were two projects which wanted the audit service but with a very tight schedule before their target launch dates. They ended up canceling their audit requests.

  • To address the issues we experienced in this reporting period, we need to promote the existence of the Audit Fund. Quantstamp will be looking for good-quality projects, but we also need more nominations from the Klaytn Foundation too.

  • Initially it was proposed that the Klaytn Foundation shall inform Quantstamp of the audit needs by one month before each quarter. We highly recommend such early collaborative planning between Quantstamp and the Klaytn Foundation for the next quarters.

  • Also the project teams need to start to engage with the Quantstamp team early as it would help them to meet their target launch date.